The SSDB project was launched in May 2019. We chose the title “Go Green for the future” to instil in children the importance of 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse & Recycle”.
With this in mind the children made crafts out of recyclable materials at home with their parents as part of the Home Learning Project.
All the children also made crafts in the centre to prepare for Fund Raising on 8 August 2019.
It was a double celebration on 8 August 2019 as we celebrated Singapore’s 54th Birthday and raised funds for the needy. 102 adults and 120 children turned up at this event where parents bought finger food, crafts, played games made from Recyclable materials, took photographs and watched movies.
It was an unforgettable memorable event.
We received positive feedback from parents praising the children and Teachers for doing a good deed in a fun and yet meaningful way.