Prehma Balakrishnan

My First Skool @ Bukit Panjang Blk 235

Prehma Balakrishnan
8 Oct 2020

Giving Back To Gaia Pledges at MFS BPC

The Nursery, Kindergarten 1 and Kindergarten 2 children from My First Skool at Bukit Panjang wrapped up our Start Small Dream Big initative this year with making Giving Back To Gaia pledges as part of the final activity of our Term 3 Inquiry-based Projects cum Innovation Guidance Project 2020!

After weeks-long discovery and exploration of our indoor classroom gardens, our own outdoor garden and the neighbourhood community garden, the children had gained much awareness as to how human actions have affected the environment around us! Each child decided on how they can change their impact on Earth by making positive, realistic options in their everyday routines. 

As shared by the K2 children,

We can’t make a time machine or grow a million trees, but we can save water by taking short showers, use both sides of a paper and reuse plastic bags!

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