After the Launch Party, it was time for production! Thinking of what sort of recycled craftworks to make was challenging but ideas flowed and the ball started rolling once we assembled various kinds of recycled materials.
Pupils from each level made different craftworks, some on their own, some with the help of teachers. K2 pupils were busy rolling out the paper beads, while others were stringing the beads for necklaces and bracelets. Placing ice-cream sticks together and decorating them seemed fun for the K1 pupils. Nursery and Pre-nursery pupils also contributed by pasting and stamping on decorative items.
Some parents were also excited to be a part of the project. They made pretty key chains, bookmarks, hand phone holders and coin banks while other parents donated second hand story books for sale.
Each and everyone in the school worked as a team and after about three weeks of work, bustle and fun, we managed to complete a variety of items for our fundraising sale. Meanwhile, arrangement was being made with Montfort Junior School to allow us to set up a fundraising booth in their school during our pupils’ visit. We were strongly encouraged when they agreed and were supportive in helping us to promote our event.
To prepare for the event, pupils were taught how to promote and sell their craftworks like little entrepreneurs. As they listened attentively and tried to remember the items and their pricing, we knew we were on our first step to success. Finally, we were all set for our first sale at Montfort Junior on 21 April 2017.
The pupils from Montfort Junior were very generous and charitable. Many were curious and wanted to buy a Mother Day’s gift while doing charity. They were also amazed to see young children selling their craftworks and chanting the ‘Creative Hands * Loving Hearts’ SSDB cheer. Teachers and parents also came to show their support and were genuinely impressed with some of our recycle ideas.
As the bell rang to indicate the end of recess, we were glad and relieved to know that our efforts have paid off just by looking at two long tables that have become emptier. The sale ended with more than 60% of our craftworks sold! Hooray. \^o^/
We now look forward to our parents’ support to further boost our fundraising sales. (^o^)
Please stay tune for our final story.