Priyaalatha DO Ramapri

Ramakrishna Mission Sarada Kindergarten

Priyaalatha DO Ramapri
25 Aug 2017

Fun with Fundraising!

In collaboration with Institute of Technical Education. Children created beautiful lampshades as a surprise gift that will be sold to parents to raise fundfor the seniors in NTUC Sliver Circle ElderlyCare Centre.

Have a look at the amazing process of making the lampshades!


Parents receiving the lampshades in K2 classes during the open house.

Children and families graciously donated more by participating in the Badge making activity as well. 

Through the great support from families and ITE, We donated $2000/- to the NTUC Silver Circle ElderlyCare Centre Serangoon with our school manager, Swami Satyalokananda, ITE student teachers and our Young Kindness Ambassadors!

Thank you for following our SSDB Project:

Children as Kindness Ambassadors

Children and teachers discovered and felt the happiness of giving through Kindness.

Thank you once again for giving us the opportunity to be part of this extraordinary learning journey.

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