Fatin Halim

MOE Kindergarten @ Punggol Green

Fatin Halim
3 Sep 2019

Finale: Food Donation Drive

August 2019

Even though we are small, we are helping to make a difference in the lives of people who are less fortunate.

On 22 August 2019, the school held an art exhibition featuring the Kindergarten One children’s art works. Families were invited to participate in our project by viewing the art gallery and bringing their food donations to the event.

At the event, the parents and children worked together to sort their food donations into the respective boxes.

Check out the good Samaritans at work!

They also walked around the gallery to view the artworks contributed by the children. As a token of appreciation for their contributions and participating in the event, parents were invited to bring an artwork and a ‘Start Small Dream Big’ magnet home.

One last step…

The teachers collated the sorted donated food items and packed them into cardboard boxes, all ready to be sent to FoodBankSG. The generous contributions from our children and our parents amounted to 14 big boxes of non-perishable food items and 55kg of rice! 

… to the start of something big! 

At the end of the project, the children’s greatest takeaway is that even though they are five years old, they are instrumental pieces in making the project a success. The parents also echoed that it was a simple but meaningful and heart-warming project to work on with their children. Truly, it has been the art from our hearts. 

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