Teacher Geraldine

Bright Kids @ 173D Punggol Field

Teacher Geraldine
30 May 2024

Families for Life - Love

In the month of May, the children learnt about how we can show “Love” to our family members. 

The first week - The children made flowers for their parents to show their love on “Parent’s Day”.

Our N2s making the flowers for their parents.

Our K1s making the flowers for their parents.

Our K2s making flowers for their parents.

The second week - The children sang and moved along to the song “That’s what Love is.”

The children were also engaged in a bingo card game on the 4 values (Love, Care and Concern, Repect and Commitment).

The N2s played in small groups.

The K1s playing the card game in large group.

The K2s, shared their own thoughts and feelings about how they show the different values towards their family members by answering the questions behind the cards.

The third week - Children recapped on the value of “Love” and were engaged in story telling of the book “I Love my Grandparents”.

The children created their own photo frames for the photos of them and their grandparents.

The N2s decorated their photo frames and thank you cards.

The K1s decorated their photo frames and thank you cards.

The K2s decorated their photo frames and thank you cards.

To conclude this month’s value on “Love”, the children wrote their name on a Certificate of achievement for completing on the topic on “Love”. 

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