Teacher Geraldine

Bright Kids @ 173D Punggol Field

Teacher Geraldine
2 Jul 2024

Families for Life - Care and Concern

In the month of June, the children learnt about how we can show “Care and Concern” to their family members.

The first week - The children had a story telling session to introduce the topic of the month using the book “Treasures of Life: Becky and the Great Outdoors”

The children were then engaged in a small group activity - Putting together a simple puzzle and sharing how they can show care and concern in the scenario shown in the puzzle.

The children then drew how they can show their care and concern to their family members as well as sharing to their friends.

Week 2 - The children role-played as the Beck Bunny Family characters and showed their friends how to show care and concern.

Week 3 - The children learnt that not only do we show care and concern to our family, we also need to show care and concern to everybody!

In preparation for our charity drive the children made keychains for our “Bright Kids Pasar Malam” to show our care and concern to others.

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