To let the children develop a love for their environment, the teacher collected different types of plants and flowers in the neighbourhood park for the children to learn more about them. The following photographs illustrated that the children were using their senses to see, smell, and feel the plants and flowers. The teacher discussed the shapes and textures of the plants with the children. Through this activity, the children learnt that ferns grow on the tree and plants and flowers each have their own name. The children also got to do leaves rubbing activity and experience dropping the dipterocarps from a height. They were excited to see how the dipterocarps spin like a helicopter from a height to the ground. Besides that, the children also got to observe and draw the common flowers that could be found in Singapore, such as Malayan ixora, Jasmine, Purple trumpet, Bougainvillea glabra…etc. The teacher also discussed with the children how to show love and care for the plants and flowers by taking good care of them.