Goh Bee Lin

Eshkol Valley Preschool@PPCC

Goh Bee Lin
25 Jul

Eshkol Valley@PPCC 2024 SSDB Launch: Sing a Song of Hawker Food

“Sing a song of hawker food,

Yummy meals for all…”

It was a day of fun and good spirit for our children and teachers on Jun 7 morning as we celebrated with lots of songs and rhymes taken from the book “Sing a Song of Hawker Food” written by our local authors, Lillian Ong and Janice Khoo.

This year’s theme for our centre’s SSDB project is “Appreciating Singapore’s Hawker Culture - Let’s Makan Together”. Hopefully , at the end of the SSDB learning journey, our little ones will be able to see Singapore ‘s Hawker Culture as an important part of our nation’s food heritage and way of life.

Specifically, our children talked about the many types of yummy hawker food they like and learned about a typical busy day of a hawker. To add some fun element into their learning, they were given air clay to make some of their favourite hawker food. 

Our K2 children also did some poetry writing and presented their personal sensory poems about their favourite hawker food.

After the song and poetry presentation, our children  had a lovely time playing the tic tac toe hawker food game.

Finally our K level children made thank you cards for the hawkers to salute their hard work and sacrifices while our playgroup and nursery children helped to pack the care packs (goodie bags) with the packet drinks, wholemeal crackers and berries and nuts contributed by our generous and supportive parents. 

Look at the happy and delighted faces of the hawker uncles and aunties at the West Coast Market who received our thank you cards and goodies bags from our school children…mission accomplished!

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