Siti Aida

Skool4Kidz Campus @ Sengkang Riverside Park

Siti Aida
19 Jul 2024

Earth Week cum Earth Day Celebration! - 15- 22 April 2024

Earth Week which took place from 15th to 19th April 2024, was a week dedicated to our planet Earth that we call home. The aim was to educate and discuss with children about the importance of protecting our environment throughout their daily activities implemented during art and craft, current issue, nature and outdoor programmes. Children also contributed their recyclables from home that were used for their craft activities in class. On 22nd April, children celebrated Earth Day as they dressed in green attire to symbolize this special day, thereby raising awareness of the need to protect Earth’s natural resources and demonstrate their support for environmental protection.​Children discussed what could be done to lessen climate change such as using public transport, practicing 3Rs, saving energy at home, etc.​

The children actively participated and expressed their thoughts and opinions during the event. They were taught on the ways to save the Earth.

K1 children created their depiction of Earth in their loving hands while the K2s made posters which included their writing reflection of ways they could make planet Earth a better place for all living things to live in.

Together, let’s make the Earth a better place!

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