In the week of 17th to 20th April, SKC celebrated Earth week! During Earth Week, the children are exposed to activities that allows them to spend more time learning about the environment, the problems we face and the different ways we can can make the world a better place. Throughout the week, the children were engaged in a variety of activities related to our Earth and environment which was integrated during their daily lessons such as our Music and Movement, outdoor play, storytelling time, current issues and our arts and crafts sessions.
The children were engaged in a presentation and discussion of what is Earth Week about. The teacher highlighted that it is important that we take care of our earth and our impacts we have on our earth. The children shared the different ways they can do and have been doing that would save our planet such as cleaning up the park from trash, using water wisely, recycling more and so on!
The children across the different levels were introduced to songs related to the environment to dance to. Some of the songs the children danced to were “Save the Earth” and “Save the Planet”. The children expressed their ideas of different elements of the earth and nature through movement and sang together with their peers.
The children were engaged in a variety of art and craft activities as well! Prior to the art and craft day, the children brought some recyclables from home to use for their crafts! The N2s did 3D artwork of a washing machines using recycled magazine cut-outs. Our K1s drew a picture of the different ways they would help save the earth using recycled papers and torn leaves. Lastly, the K2s worked together in small groups to create a 3D house using the recyclable materials brought!
The children were also exposed to hands-on activities such as using their outdoor time to clean the park! The children were ready and excited to help using the gloves, trash bags and tongs! The children threw away the rubbish they found and picked up the fallen leaves in the area to keep the pavements and grassy areas in the park clean and neat! Great job children!
Reuse your today so that you don’t have to reduce your tomorrow! Happy Earth Week SKC!