

16 May

Difficulties faced by people with limited physical ability

14 August 

In today’s lesson, we were engaged with activity to experience the difficulties faced by people with limited physical ability.

Cardboard and bandages were used to restrict the movement of one of our legs. Thereafter, we were invited to do a series of movements such as jump, sit and get up from the ground, cross over a low obstacle and scoot over a distance.

A child trying to sit down with one leg being restrained .

Children scooting over a distance

A child trying to cross over a low obstacle

Children trying to sit and get up from a chair without one leg being restricted

After the activity, we reflected with our friends on the challenges faced when attempting to complete the movements with one of our legs being restricted. It led us to think that this challenges could be faced by people with limited physical ability in their daily life. Thus, we should show respect to them through giving up our seat and making way for them.

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