With COVID-19 changing the many norms in our daily lives, our K2 children aim to encourage the younger children in school to adjust to the changes, all in the effort of keeping ourselves and people around us safe.
We discussed about COVID-19 and listed all the safety measures:
Wearing a mask/face shield or both
Washing our hands with water and soap regularly
Avoid touching our faces unnecessarily
Use hand sanitizer when we have no access to water and soap
Keeping a safe distance between our friends (follow safe distancing stickers around us/one arm apart if unsure of distance)
Avoid talking on public transport
Check our temperature regularly
Stay home if feeling unwell
Together with our families, we took photos of ourselves in action with one or more of the above safety measures. Then, we took videos of ourselves demonstrating the good practice of the other safety measures. Compiling everything together, we created our own guide to staying safe during this pandemic.
We shared this video guide with the younger children in school. Everyone reacted well and were able to share what they have learned through drawings, role playing etc. Throughout the days, we encouraged each other to adhere to the safety measures and contributed in little ways to fight this virus.
Here is the link to our video:
Photos taken by our K2 parents and children for the video. Washing our hands with soap regularly, wearing our masks and keeping 1 metre apart are some of the safety measures we can adhere to.
The K1 children had a discussion after watching the video. They added some new measures that they thought were important like avoid touching things in public and avoid touching your masks. They expressed what they learned in their drawings. What other safety measures can you think of?
The N2 children aspired to be Superheroes after watching the video. They wanted to be Superheroes who protect themselves and others around them.
This is what they shared after the video:
Lauren: The kor kor jie jie hands dirty they put sanitizer.
Asher: On the bus they talking.
Branden: Cannot talk on the bus.
Lauren: Must keep quiet.
Kaiyang: Don’t touch your face!
The N1 children had a little role-play, imitating the safety measures demonstrated in the video. They wore their face shield, practiced washing their hands, reminded themselves not to touch their faces and kept 1 metre apart from their friends.
The Playgroup children putting safe distancing into practice while sitting apart from their friends during daily routines.
With all these safety measures, we can ride this storm together safely! #SSDB2020