Teacher Su

Kidz Meadow Childcare @ Yishun

Teacher Su
27 May

Collaboration with All Saints Home

The residents at the All Saints Home were greeted with warm smiles from the children at Kidz Meadow Yishun this morning. The Nursery Two to Kindergarten Two children performed and showcased their dancing skills to the residents. In addition, the children also shared their poster that they made with their family and proudly shared it with the residents. 

The Nursery Two children were creative and made ‘Calm Down Bottles’ for the residents using recyclables such as plastic bottles and craft materials. 

The Kindergarten One children wrote some affirmations words on a poster to encourage the residents as they go through their occupation therapy. 

Lastly, the Kindergarten Two Children sketched pictures of nature in their surroundings. We hope that these drawings will liven up their mood and appreciate nature around them. 


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