Carpe Diem MI SchoolHouse Pte Ltd

Carpe Diem MI Schoolhouse Pte Ltd

Carpe Diem MI SchoolHouse Pte Ltd
11 Aug 2022

Clean Plate Campaign 2022

We would like to thank “Food from the Heart” for the resources to help us learnt more about “Food Waste”. The N2-K2 children watched a slideshow on Clean Plate Campaign 2022.They learnt about food wastage in Singapore and how they shouldn’t be wasting food.

Children learnt planting from Teacher Jen-how to take care and how plants grow from a pot.

Children scooped their own food. They learnt to take only the amount that they wanted. They finished all the food that was on their bowl/plate.

Children did indoor activities doing Word Search and make their pledge about the Clean Plate Campaign.

And lastly, the children wrapped up the week’s activities by making a video on their pledges on having the Clean Plate Campaign.

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