Lee Chee Hui


Lee Chee Hui
9 Apr 2021

ChildFirst@Tampines Launch of SSDB 2021

The K1 children from ChildFirst@Tampines were excited to participate in this year’s SSDB project! To kick start this project, they were introduced to the theme on environment and the factors that led to global warming.

Through a series of pictorial sharing , children learnt about how animals were affected by climate change. 

They also found out that global climate change was a result of human destruction through means of burning fossil fuels, deforestation and pollution, just to name a few.

To wrap up the launch of this year’s SSDB project, children identified the different ways that human beings have caused destruction to our Mother Earth. 

Stay tune for the next session where the K1 children of ChildFirst@Tampines learn how they can be environmental warriors!

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