Herlina Jakfar

Sweetlands Childcare @ Clementi Blk 607

Herlina Jakfar
26 Sep

Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival with the elderly at St Andrew Day Care

I collaborated with AIC and was matched with St. Andrew Day Care. The main objective of the Start Small Dream Big was to allow the children to have interaction with the elderly. Show our love and care during this Mid Autumn festival. It was our first time bringing the children to St. Andrew Day Care. We started off with dance performance, which include one English song and one Chinese song. After which we did a craft with the elderly. There were a mixture of lantern and mooncake art and crafts. Pasting with white glue and scotchtapes were involved. After that, the children have a show and tell session of their favourite toys with the elderly. Some children were sharing enthusiastically of their favourite to the elderly. It brings live and joy to the St Andrew Day Care. The person in charge ended the day by leading the elderly singing ‘月亮代表我的心’.

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