Linda Cher Suan Peng

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Toa Payoh East Blk 45

Linda Cher Suan Peng
9 Oct

Caring Hands Bring Smiles

Playgroup and Pre-Nursey children had an enjoyable time with parents as they have, “A Day Breakfast with Parents.” Children and Parents have hands-on activities on making the National Day Flag Bread. Nursery 2 children had the theme of “ Clean Public Spaces” whereby they went around to pick up trash and placed into the rubbish bins. Kindergarten 1 children have their SSDB project on, “Save Our Nature - Recycling”. Teacher introduced the recycling bins to the children. Explaining the colors and meanings associated with each bin. Kindergarten 2 children have their SSDB project on “Saving Water and Energy”. Children learnt about water cycle and it’s importance”. Children get to discover the worth of water and how much of it human waste.

A warm welcome for our Playgroup ad Pre-nursery parents into the centre. A hearty one day breakfast with parents and children.

Performance by Pre-Nursery children entitled, “Singapore Cheer!”

Performance by Playgroup children entitled, “Singapore Town”

“Let’s take a look into the video clips showing the ways the centre had celebrated the Racial Harmony Day. The children and staff prepared for National Day Celebration this year.”

Playgroup children : “Ssh… we are making and decorating our National Day Flag Bread.”

Pre-Nursery children : “Look at us…! we are making and decoarting our National Day Flag Bread.”

Playgroup childre : “We enjoyed making and eating National Day Flag Bread.”

Pre-Nursery children: “We enjoyed having hands-on activities as we like to make and eat National Day Flag Bread with our parents.”

On the theme of “Clean Public Spaces”, the N2 children went around teh school’s vicinty to pick up trash that they see lying around on the floor. They got to experience the work of a cleaner while playing a part in keeping the environment clean! Children knew that trash belongs in the rubbish bins and were very enthusiastic and passionate about their task!

Other than than picking up trash, the N2 children discussed ways to save planet Earth. They danced to the song, “Save the Planet”, and drew out their ideas!

Through the discussion, the N2 children learnt about several ways to help the environment, two of which are recycling and planting! Children got the chance to sort out recyclables and had a try at growing soybeans.

In 2024, our centre initiated teh SSDB project titled “Caring Hands Bring Smiles.” At K1 level the focus was on recycling. The teacher introduced recycling bins to the children, explaining the colors and meanings associated with each bin: blue for paper, green for glass, yellow for metal, and red for plastic. The children took turns bringing recyclable items from home and sorting them into the correct bins.

During our discussion on reducing watse and reusing items, the children shared an innovative idea: using plastic bottles to create flower vases.

They enthusiastically collected plastic bottles from home, and with the tecaher’s support, they used color markers and acrylic paint to design their vases. The children were proud of their creations and took them home to decorate their homes.

K2 students began their SSDB journey by learning about the water cycle and its importance. They discovered the worth of wtaer and how much of it human waste.

They did and activity in which they learned about precipitation, condensation and evaporation to have a better understanding of the water cycle.

They then talked about a few ways to conserve water. They discussed some of their daily habits, both at home and in school. They were given coloring sheets with phrases that they could take home to encourage their friends and family to save water.

Children were given the responsibility of remembering the water-saving information they had learned through hands-on practice, allowing them to become more aware of the need to conserve water.

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