Tok Ying Ying

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Yew Tee Blk 608 (DS)

Tok Ying Ying
22 Jul 2024

Blossom Harmony: Bridging Generations through Floral Tunes and Crafted Rhythms

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Yew Tee Blk 608 (DS) initiated the project named ‘Blossom Harmony: Bridging Generations through Floral Tunes and Crafted Rhythms’. The Kindergarten 1 students engaged in a virtual session to connect with the elderly residents at Sparkle Care @ Yew Tee.

Our young learners dedicated considerable effort to practice their song and dance performance consistently leading up to the main event. Additionally, they crafted shakers using recyclable materials and participated in a show and tell session to showcase their creations.

As an integral part of the project, parents played an active role by gathering recyclable materials from home and delivering them to the school. Parents were encouraged to exemplify upcycling practices, engage in recyclable collection activities with their children at home, and deposit the materials in designated recycle bins outside the classroom. The collected materials were then packed by the children, with the assistance of teachers, and sent to the elderly care center ahead of the scheduled event.

This project not only allowed the children to showcase their creativity but also taught them the importance of demonstrating kindness to the elderly through thoughtful and engaging activities.

K1 children performed ‘Sing A Song of Flowers’ and ‘挖呀挖呀挖’ for the seniors.

K1 children create their very own Shakers craft using recyclable materials.

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