Enya Tan

Kiddiwinkie Schoolhouse @ Orchard

Enya Tan
30 Jul

Babilou Cares 2024 - Feed the Future

At our annual sustainability and Start Small Dream Big event - Babilou Cares 2024, Kiddiwinkie Schoolhouse @ Orchard were proud to support World Vision Singapore’s Global Hunger Response by instilling empathy in our children towards hungry and malnourished kids in Africa. Leading up to the event, the children learnt about hunger issues and food security through storytelling, creating posters to raise awareness, and participating in activities such as collecting banana skins and having a meat-free day.

Thanks to our participating families, we were able to raise funds through workshops that promoted sustainable practices, such as making fertilisers from banana peels and eggshells.

Together, we are fighting food waste and cultivating a brighter, greener future! #FeedtheFuture 🌍

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