

29 Jun 2024

All about used water đź’§

We were very honored to have one of our friends’ father, who works in Public Utilities Board (PUB) in our school to give us a talk on what he does in PUB, and help us understand where does all the water we used go to.

We learnt that the used water goes into the manhole, to the pumping station, to the water reclaimation plant and process tank.

Parts of the treated and used water is sent to NeWater plants to produce high-grade reclaimed water, NeWater. The remaining is then sent back to the sea.

We also discovered how used water is treated by passing through Bar Screen, Primary Clarifier, Aeration Basin, Final Clarifier, and Thickening Centrifuge.

We can play a part by diposing only toilet paper in the toilet bowl, throw away any food residue into rubbish bin, keep floor trap secured in the toilet and using sink strainer. By doing these, we can help to prevent the sewage system from getting block.

After that, we learnt how to make our own water filtration system using materials such as sponge, cotton pads, quartz bio-rings, activated carbon fresh and filter gravel.

We worked in group and choose the materials that we want to use for our water filtration system.


After that, we gathered to find out which water filtration system give cleaner water.

The result of our experiment revealed that the water filtration system that used all the materials - sponge, cotton pads, quartz bio-rings, activated carbon fresh and filter gravel gives the cleanest water.

After filtering the dirty water two times, we get cleaner water which we can use to water the plants on our school!

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