Pangan Shiela Casipe

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Woodgrove Blk 894D (CC)

Pangan Shiela Casipe
2 Aug 2023

Activity Update Week 3- Creating Healthy Recipe

According to World Health Organization, a healthy diet is essential for good health and nutrition. It protects us against many chronic noncommunicable diseases such as, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Thus, we encouraged the parents of N2 to K2 children to create a Healthy Recipe along with their children as part of their SSDB home project. This home project aims to instill the love of eating healthy food to young children in a fun and creative way, to motivate children to eat healthy food, to explore various healthy food, and to create bond between children and their families. 

Children displayed enthusiasm and felt great pride in talking and showing their Healthy Recipe with their friends during Show and Tell Session. They shared about the ingredients they have used, the process on how they made it, and the feelings they felt during the activity.

Here are some examples of  the healthy recipe that the children have made together with their parents.

Children’s Healthy Recipe

At the end of the show and tell activity. We displayed childhren’s healthy recipe in our home project wall inside our classroom.

Till here for now😊… Will update again soon…☺️

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