To commence our SSDB project: “Healthy Ocean, Healthy Us!” , the teacher discussed with the children on how plastics could cause harmfulness to the ocean. The children got to watch an educational video to better understand ocean crisis. Discussions were conducted with the children to brainstorm the ways to provide a healthy ocean for the marine animals. Posters with regards to how marine animals suffered from plastic pollution were also showed to the children. The children displayed empathy and sadness on how the plastic trash could harm the marine living habitats. To conserve the marine life, the teacher and children discussed how they could conserve the marine life through reducing the plastic usage in our everyday life, and 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle) ♻️ were taught to the children too! To start the project, the class started to collect plastic bottles from their homes to recycle it into beautiful craft to display in their classroom. The children also created posters to bring awareness to the others of the importance of keeping our ocean healthy. During the class discussion, the children also contributed ideas to involve their parents to contribute back to the society by creating a pledge card to practise 3R’s at home!