Lim Sim Miin

PCF Sparkletots Preschool @ Nee Soon South Blk 875 (DS)

Lim Sim Miin
14 Sep 2023

3Rs Heroes

Children from the Nursery 2 level of Childcare and Kindergarten embark on the Start Small Dream Big 2023. With the theme ‘3Rs Heroes’, the children learn to care for the environment, be responsible and show a growing appreciation for the Earth. They also understand the 3Rs of waste management through activities.  Teachers planned the activities which  help to raise awareness and instil good recycling habits in the children.

The children were excited as they embarked on their journey of litter picking in the area around their school. They learnt how to take care of the surrounding and demonstrated their responsibility to keep the environment clean by picking up all the litter.

The children had an opportunity to attend a virtual NEA Talk on Environmental Sustainability-Anti- littering and 3Rs. They learnt the importance of practising the 3Rs at home and in school.

The children learnt more on recycling from the talk on SembEnviron Plastic Recycling League which taught them about the different types of plastic that can be recycled. They participated in the league by contributing the recyclable plastic materials from home.

The children supported the 3Rs project by bringing  to school their recycled items from home  and they sorted them accordingly to the different types of material.

The children created their home project with their parents using recycled materials. They shared with theur classmates what they had used and how they completed their project during the Show and Tell session. 

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