Jaslene Peh Hai May

The Schoolhouse by Busy Bees (Dover)

Jaslene Peh Hai May
16 Jul

2024 SSDB Launch Party @ The Schoolhouse by Busy Bees (Dover)

Our Centre had our SSDB Launch Party on 13th May 2024 and our Nursery, K1 and K2 children will be embarking on SSDB project titled “Love for Everyone”.

We have invited in Ames Chen, author of The Invisible People Book Series, to share with us more about kindness and how we can express love to people around us. She shared her story “Aunty Postman” and how we can be nice and show care by simply being polite and greeting people around us such as our community helpers!

Our Nursery, K1 and K2 children had also discussed with class teachers and shared ideas on what we can do for the project. They have also brought home resources from SSDB Community Partners on this day. 

Additionally, our children had also learnt more about kindness through resources provided by Singapore Kindness Movement (SKM) on Singapore Kindness Day, 17th May 2024. E-books have also been shared with parents on this day to encourage them to reinforce and read with their children at home too.

Look forward to more photos and sharings on our SSDB project in the upcoming months!

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