“Building Community” - This is the theme of Pariposa’s 2022 SSDB project.
SSDB is an initiative by Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA) to encourage preschools to create authentic platforms for children to innovate, problem-solve and tap on their unique strengths to help others.
This year, we paid homage to the migrant workers in the construction industry who have left their homes to build ours. It is important for us to recognize their contributions towards building of our nation. Pariposa’s children reached out to our migrant workers to express our gratitude and appreciation.
Over the last 2 years, our school has been surrounded by ongoing residential projects and roadworks. The children meet these migrant workers everyday at the construction site on way to school. These workers even helped us widen the pedestrian footpath outside our school and covered the exposed drains for children’s safety.
Our school volunteered to offer these workers water daily to quench their thirst as they worked hard to build our Community.
The children made thank you cards and care packages to appreciate the migrant workers in our community. Different classes embarked on different projects to appreciate the migrant workers. Parents volunteered to donate snacks and drinks for the care packs.
It was touching to learn that the workers found comfort in the messages as they remember their own children back home.
We are grateful to have the opportunity to bring cheer to the migrant workers.
A big Thank You to our little community helpers the Pariposa children, our dear parents & staff in instilling good values in our children by giving their support & donations to help and care for the people who work around us for us.
“No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.”