In line with BMCK core values on Responsibility and Caring, we started the project that starts from the children and extended to their family and then to the community in their fight against the virus. The children learnt to be responsible for their health by eating healthy and keeping the environment clean.
We had initiated the project since 30 March with current issue discussions on COVID-19, songs, healthy eating and keeping the environment clean. We continued with the project when school reopens on 2 June.
The K1 & K2 children were engaged in various activities of healthy eating, maintaining clean classrooms, designing posters, sharing of COVID-19 news articles and songs as well. Activities were extended to family involvement as well.
The children shared and discussed how COVID-19 had affected them. They did posters on COVID-19 measures. These posters were displayed along the corridors to remind children to constantly maintain these measures to keep them safe.
We extended some of these activities for parents to continue at home.
It was delightful to see how children showed their parents how they could also apply safe measures at home too. Parents made an effort to prepare healthy meals for their children and shared COVID-19 news articles with them.
Children felt encouraged to know that they also played an important role in the nation challenge to overcome COVID-19.