Sylvia Lai Swee Moi

The Moral Childcare Centre @ Serangoon

Sylvia Lai Swee Moi
30 Oct 2022


We at The Moral Child Care Centre, believe that children are not too young to learn. For the year 2022, the children were taught to show appreciation and kindness to the community helpers who work hard every day to keep our neighbourhood environment clean, pleasant and beautiful.

Questions for children to discuss:

What do you think of the environment around the school?

Do you like the environment?

What can you say about the environment or surrounding outside the school?

Is it clean? Is it smelly?

Who keeps the environment clean?

What do the community helpers do?

Discussion on the work of community helpers:

Community helpers help us to clear the soiled diapers, rubbish chutes, wash the floors in every block, void decks of the school, sweep about the rubbish thrown in the garden, and clear the drains.

Children write up their thoughts after presenting the gifts to the community helpers.

Proposed projects by parents and children:

To acknowledge the community helpers’ diligence in carrying out their work:

  1. The children created ‘’Thank You’’ cards for the community helpers.

  2. Some parents contributed food items to give to the community helpers.

The teachers of The Moral childcare centre embarked on the project “Caring “which involves showing appreciation and kindness towards understanding and appreciating cleaners. The children were allowed to discuss the work of cleaners and the impact of their work and engage them face-to-face. 

The teachers together with the children began the project by making them aware of the environment around them at the centre. They were brought outside and around the centre and shown how clean and hygienic the environment. Then it was followed up by discussions of the realities that there were indeed people who might choose to dirty the environment and the work by cleaners and the impact of the cleaners in maintaining the environment.

There were also discussions on the normal everyday routine work of cleaners in maintaining the cleanliness that are required to maintain hygiene to ward off diseases e.g., dengue fever, malaria etc.

The children guided by the teachers wrote “Thank you” cards to be given to the cleaners. These cards are individualised and reflect what each child thinks are to them the important aspects of the work of the community helpers.

The teachers also organised a food drive reaches out to parents and the parents generously donated food item such as to donate to the community helpers.

On the day to meet and thank the community helpers, the children brought along the “Thank you” cards and food items.

Mr Rajiv, the Supervisor of Serangoon Town Council representing his team of community helpers received the ‘Thank you’ card (artworks by N2-K2 children) and food items contributed by the parents of The Moral Childcare Centre.

Two of the community helpers were grateful to receive the food items; they mentioned that they are their duty to keep the environment clean for everyone.

Some of the children showed appreciation and cheer for the community helpers “ Well done for keeping our environment clean!”

Twins of the Playgroup class showed their appreciation for giving the vegetables to Mr Rajiv.

Two young children from Playgroup helped to pick up the dry leaf on the playground. Teachers encourage children not too young to learn good values, show appreciation and kindness to community helpers.

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