Let’s take care of our garden🪴🌿☘️ Filling up recycled bottles which were used as water sprays to water the plants. Children were actively involved in taking care our school garden.
‘🍛 Our Hawker Centre 🍜’ Reinforcing sustainability using recycled materials to create our drama hub: ‘Hawker Centre’
🪥 Dental Care 🚰 Children learnt about dental hygiene using the big handmade teeth set which was made from recyclable materials..Children were able to observe and have hands-on on brushing ...
🧊 Melting Ice 🧊 Children learn that ice melts when the weather is warm. They observed different sizes of ice melts at different pace/time.
🌈 Caring for our water play area🌈 Using the water play area for pretend play, Teacher disposes plastics, empty bottles, papers, bottle caps and etc into the water play area.Teacher brought the children to ...
🌫️ Sink or Float💧 Children chose different materials to try out the experiment of sink or float. Children were curious and were excited to share whether the item they chose sinks or floats.
🌈 Primary Colours & Water Pollution 🌊 Children observed the primary colours food colouring flowing through the paper towels to create secondary colours.* Children also did water play where children get to ...
💡Exploring Food Colourings and Ice Cubes💡 Children explored painting with diluted food colouring after drawing pictures with white candle.* Children observed whether ice cubes smudge oil pastel drawings or ...
🪨 Sink or Float?🌼 Children explored about ‘sink or float’. They placed toys and recyclable materials in the water and identified the items which float or sink. The children then filled up ...
💧 Rain Cloud Experiment 💧 Children explored how rain is formed and understanding the importance of rain water.
🫧 Ways to reuse water 🫧 The children had fun playing the water refill activity. After the game, children had a short discussion on how else they can use the water from the game. Children shared on ...
💦💧 Water play ☀️🌻 It’s time for water play!!! Children had fun exploring sensorial water play with nature materials🍀🌱
🫧 Water Filtration Experiment 🫧 The children explored water filtration by using pebbles, rocks, stones and water.The children get to share and discuss on how they can care for the ocean lives by preventing ...
💧Experimentation on the state of water from solid to liquid💧 Water conservation - Collection of rain water for water experiment activities as well as to reuse water to freeze them for nature Ice block play.
🤗 Feelings with Nature 🌿 Children shared and explored feelings using the variety of nature materials.
🎳 Kampung games with recyclable materials ♻️ During Racial Harmony Day celebration, children explored kampung games such as bola tin using recyclable materials☺️
✅ Sustainability Fun Games ♻️ Children were actively involved in creating their fun games (Take Home Kits) using recyclable materials. It was a good exposure and experience when parents are involved in ...
♻️ Recycling Fun ! ♻️ The children learned about separating recyclable and non-recyclable wastes. They explored ways to reuse recyclable materials and created their own games(bowling, baseball, ...
Numeracy fun with nature🌿🍃 Chidren collected different types and sizes of leaves during their outdoor nature walk. They did comparing, measuring and sorting leaves against popsicle sticks.
🌴 Nature & Art 🎨 Children explored colours and textures during the sensory activity of using paints and leaves.
📝 Creative Writing: Earth 🌎 & Recycling ♻️ Children expressed their appreciation for earth and mother nature through their creative writing activities. They also emphasized the importance of recycling and how we can do ...
✔️ Numeracy Fun with recycled bottles ♻️ Children explored numeracy concept: Quantity (More & Less) using different sizes of recycled bottles. Children were focused and enthusiastic when they get to learn the ...
🌎 Let’s explore 💧🍃! 🌎 3R- Conservation of Natural Resources: The younger children explored numeracy concepts through water play exploration. Look at all the fun they had 🤗🫶🏻
‘ It’s time to clean up!!! 🧹🌏 ‘ Children watched a video on “How Singapore manage wastes”. After discussing on what they can do, children went outdoors to clean up the school environment. Let’s applaud them ...
♻️ Sustainability ♻️ 🌎 Go Green Think Globally 🟢 A take home kit activity: Sustainability Home Project
♻️Sharing session on E-waste recycling♻️ Working with ALBA E-Waste Singapore for a sharing session with the kids @ M.Y World@Teban Gardens on recycling processes♻️
2023 SSDB "Go Green, Think Globally"- ( M.Y World At Teban Gardens) We are excited to launch our 2023 SSDB project at Gardens By The Bay 🙂
It’s Singapore’s birthday🎉🇸🇬!!! The K2 children in MY World@Teban Gardens did various activities during the National Day celebration. They played ‘Stack The Cups’ game, did an art activity of Singapore ...
National Day Celebration 2021🇸🇬 MY World@Teban Gardens had our National day celebration on 6/8/2021. The N2 children shared about National Day, National Anthem and the Pledge. They created an art in ...
Let’s Celebrate 🇸🇬 !!! MY World @ Teban Gardens had our National Day Celebration on 6th August 2021. Children came dressed in red and white attire for the celebration. We shared about National ...
‘An Inquiry On Pets’ The K2 children in MY World @ Teban Gardens were working on ‘ An Inquiry on Pets’. As they were also working on how they can work together to save the earth, they...
‘ Thank you for everything♥️🌈 ‘ The K2 children in MY World @ Teban Gardens were busy creating the goodie bags and packing essential items for the community helpers. They were excited to show their ...
Let’s Create 😃 The K2 children in MY World @ Teban Gardens showed their love and care for the environment by reusing materials to create useful items that they can use. Using unused fabrics, ...
‘ Our Masterpieces 🌠 ‘ In MY World @ Teban Gardens, children were always curious and were creative to use their knowledge to create ‘masterpieces’ using recycled materials. The K2 children ...
‘ Thank You 😊♥️ !!! ‘ The N1 children in MY World @ Teban Gardens worked together to create a ‘Thank You Card’ for the community helpers. They were grateful to the community helpers who often came ...
Caring for the environment🌈 Besides sharing and caring for the community helpers, the K1 children in MY World @ Teban Gardens were also caring for the environment by reusing and recycling items. Children ...
‘ Be Kind Everyday!!!♥️🌈 ‘ Kindness day was on 21st May 2021. The K1 children in MY World @ Teban Gardens used the day as an opportunity to discuss on what is kindness. Children shared experiences on ...
‘Kindness Singa’ The children worked together to put up the kindness singa statue prop and were excited to take pictures with it. Children also decorated and prepared the essential items in ...
‘ Appreciating One Another♥️ ‘ Children in MY World @ Teban Gardens have been packing and decorating goodie bags for community helpers as a token of appreciation to them. Through the SSDB project, the N2 ...
Let’s appreciate!!! ♥️ The K2 children in MY World @ Teban Gardens were engaged in creating and decorating the cards and flowers. The cards and the flowers are to appreciate the great effort our ...
Let’s share the love♥️🌈 In MY World @ Teban Gardens, not only the N2-K2 children are involved in sharing and caring for the community helpers, the N1 children were also actively involved. The ...
Lending a helping hand 😁👐 Our community helpers have been working hard to keep the neighbourhood clean and safe for us. In MY World @ Teban Gardens, we believe in giving a helping hand whenever we can. ...
Appreciating Our Community Helpers 😍 Community helpers are not only available at our neighbourhood. There are many others such as essential workers and SPD trainers. The children in MY World @ Teban Gardens ...
We can do our part too✌🏻😊 The K1 children in MY World@Teban Gardens does not only show their love and care for the community helpers. They were also willing to do their part by helping the gardeners ...
Handmade with love♥️ The N2 children used their creativity and were focused in designing the brown goodie bags. The brown bags were used to pack the essential items that will be given out to ...
Packing of gift packs♥️ After the N2 children designed the brown bags, they start to pack the essential items in it. The items were donated by the parents and the children chose the items that ...
Cinquain Poem For Community Helpers A Cinquain is a five - line poem that was invented by Adelaide Crapsey. (www.yourdictionary.com).> To show appreciation to the community helpers, the K1 children created ...
Let’s pack gifts 🥰 🌈 The K1 children had a lot of fun packing essential items that were donated by the parents. They took the effort to choose the items and packed it with love♥️. Children were ...
Kindness Begins With Us♥️ “Kindness begins with us”, just like how the ‘Sharity Elephant’ has always been potraying positive behaviours and attitudes towards others. The children in MY World @ Teban ...
World Environment Day 2021 World Environment Day was celebrated on 5/6/2021 this year. The children from MY World@Teban Gardens did activities such as recycling empty carton boxes, how to save homes of ...
Thank you for your effort🌈 Children in My World @ Teban Gardens were very enthusiastic to provide more for the community helpers. Children went all the way to buy essential items and packing the items ...
Our Token of Appreciation😃 The K1 children in MY World @ Teban Gardens were working very hard to create beautiful decorated brown bags. The decorated brown bags were used to pack food items that were ...
Let’s Save Our Earth 🌎🌴☘️ On 22nd April 2021, the children at MY World@Teban Gardens celebrated Earth Day. The childen did various activities: Planting and doing crafts using recyclable materials...
Appreciation Gestures to our community helpers😊 The children often notice the big garbage truck that the community helpers used to collect the loads of garbage @ Teban Gardens. MY World @ Teban Gardens children would often ...
An act of kindness goes a long way 🌈 “An act of kindness goes a long way”. That’s what we hope to nurture in young kids @ MY World @ Teban Gardens. Community helpers are essential and children shows gratitude by ...
Motivational cards for community helpers Community helpers have always been around our neighbourhood helping to keep the environment clean and safe.The children were also curious about what do community helpers ...
Magic Words Key Chains Besides the motivational cards, children made magic words key chains for community helpers in our neighbourhood. It has been a good experience for the children as they ...
Community helpers set to go☺️ As children shared and understand more on community helpers, they also explored on the how do these various community helpers carry out their duties.Let’s take a look at how ...
Be kind and giving Just like the story “The Giving Tree”, being kind and giving towards one another has always been a part of our practices in MY World @ Teban Gardens centre. We encourage ...
Let’s do it together!!! Community helpers duties are much more than what we usually see. Children were excited to lend them a helping hand whenever they can. Working together, helping to pick up ...