SSDB Launch (K1 & K2) Children played a game of scavenger hunt in classroom to find heart shapes. Once found, children wrote a message/ draw for their friends on their thought process of the topi...
SSDB activities LFP @ Boon keng had the opportunity to create various activities for the K1’s and K2’s. We focused on topics such as 1) To love is to give 2) Don’t just take, learn to give 3) ...
SSDB Finale To sum up our SSDB project, LFP @ Boon keng conducted a family day carnival for parents and children. Our aim was to provide opportunity for parents to bond with their ...
Looking after our plants to help the environment Children had an opportunity to plant the seeds of different flowering plants and herbs. They learnt that by growing our own vegetables and plants we can contribute to the ...
Save the earth by saving the environment Children had so much fun exploring and looking at the environment around them. They learnt about climate change and how it can affect the earth. Children also did a planting ...